How to use jQuery to send JSON data to a Grails app

It took us a long time to understand all this. So now the writers at from web and I are ready to post this information that we studied together for anyone who wants to know. Firstly, I was quite surprised to learn that jQuery doesn’t have a built in method for turning objects into JSON, so you’ll need the JSON parser/creator from Then you can write your javascript POST function using the jQuery ajax method. Here I’ve left the content type as text/plain, which is not strictly correct but works with the Groovy code.

function postTreeData(){
        type: "POST",
        url: "savedata",
        contentType : "text/plain",
        dataType: 'json',
        data: JSON ...
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Hibernate magic with lazy evaluation

I’ve just run across this phenomenon for the first time and it turns out that hibernate can be even lazier than I thought! To illustrate lets use this time-honoured example in Grails.

Here are our domain objects:

class Book {  
    String title  
    static belongsTo = [author : Author]  
    static constraints = {  
class Author {  
    String name  
    static hasMany = [books : Book]  
    static constraints = {  

and we’ll add some sample data in our bootstrap.groovy:

def init = { servletContext ->  
    def alice = new Author(name: 'alice').save()  
    def book1 = new Book(title: 'book1')  
    def book2 = new Book(title: 'book2')  

Now we’ll ...

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Beware of the default acegi Grails plugin setup

This is firmly in the “putting it up here just in case anyone else has the same problem” category. There is a gotcha that bites when writing a Grails application that uses the acegi security plugin along with a postgresql database as the data source. The problem is that the acegi plugin will, by default, create a domain class with the name User. When you try to run the application with a postgresql datasource, GORM will try to create a table with the name user, which postgresql will not like as it is a reserved word.

This is a particularly ...

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A pitfall to avoid when using the Grails UIPerformance plugin

A quick warning to anyone who’s using the excellent UIPerformance plugin for grails: don’t do what I did, and set up your bundles with identical names:

uiperformance.bundles = [

    [type: 'css',
        name: 'bundled',
        files: ['reset',

    [type: 'js',
        name: 'bundled',
        files: [

Unsurprisingly, this causes the plugin to get confused; the following works much better:

uiperformance.bundles = [

    [type: 'css',
        name: 'bundled_css',
        files: ['reset',

    [type: 'js',
        name: 'bundled_javascript',
        files: [
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